
What to eat, where to eat …

Apart from the well-known Michelin starred restaurants, and other famous restaurants, such as Mugaritz (9 km.), Arzak (7 km.), Martin Berasategi (20 km.), Karlos Argiñano (30 km.), Akelarre (20 km.), Labeko etxea (8 km.), Casa Mirones seafood restaurant (4 km.), Casa Cámara seafood restaurant (4 km.), Ziaboga seafood restaurant (4 km.) Can be found in the center of San Sebastian, touring the old town many emblematic places to try Basque delicatessen; you can taste the famous antxoas pintxosat Txepetxa , croquettes  at Ormazabal, gabardine prawns at Paco Bueno, spanish omelette at Oliyos , the gilda at Casa Vallés, the mussels at A Fuego Negro, the grilled cod at Zeruko and the Idiazabal cheese Risotto at Bordaberri …

Enjoy the cider houses of Gipuzkoa, with typical cider dishes: cod omelet, cod with peppers, T-bone and typical basque dessert: quince jelly, Idiazábal cheese and walnuts, drinking cider directly from the “Kupela”, no other kind of beverage. In the authentic cider house, there is only cider to drink!

Juan Mari Arzak, Fuente wikimedia commons